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Sep 28, 2021, 6 tweets

Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro's latest comments are being perceived by many voters as a warning of his growing radicalism and the risk that he may try to undermine, or even abandon, elections scheduled for 2022

Shock and scandal have long been favourite weapons in Bolsonaro’s political arsenal, but the frequency and specificity of his rhetoric in recent months has generated a wave of concern for Brazil’s democracy…

In July, the Brazilian president warned 'there will be no election' next year if the country doesn't modify its electronic voting system to stop fraud, even though Brazil’s top electoral court has repeatedly demonstrated the integrity of the system…

Bolsonaro then threatened to act outside the 'boundaries of the constitution' in a stand-off with the Supreme Court, which has emerged as a focus of his ire after repeatedly striking down initiatives close to the president’s heart…

Brazil's president is facing a tough election battle, under pressure from a stagnating economy and the return of Lula da Silva, the popular leftwing former leader.

His anti-democratic talk has done little to appeal to voters beyond his core supporters…

Officials close to the president say that he will return to a working relationship with Brazil’s institutions. But some fear he is laying the groundwork to a coup: 'A Trumpian January 6 event is not unlikely in the current conditions'…

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