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The Socialists and Democrats Group in the European Parliament works for social justice, sustainability & equality for all.

Sep 28, 2021, 5 tweets

We’re live in Malta with Prime Minister @RobertAbela_MT and our Group President @IratxeGarper.

Join the press conference here: socialistsanddemocrats.eu

@RobertAbela_MT @IratxeGarper @PL_Malta Taking the floor, @RobertAbela_MT welcomes the Group to Malta, and thanks the S&D for choosing Malta for the first External Group Meeting after the pandemic, as a sign of support for the reforms of the Maltese gov.

This is the first meeting that our Group has had outside out of Brussels since the pandemic, says @IratxeGarper.

It’s a moment to re-build contact with citizens, to get outside of the bubble of Brussels. We must learn about people’s shared concerns.

The recovery plan presented by Malta has been praised by the Commission, and it represents the S&D vision for Europe: using the NextGenerationEU investments to move towards a more sustainable and fair society, with more gender equality, focusing on people, says @IratxeGarper

Malta has responded very well to the pandemic, says @IratxeGarper. She praises the extremely successful vaccination campaign, as well as the social measures to support workers and particularly women. It's an example of good EU cooperation between Member States.

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