Kristyn Wong-Tam 🇨🇦 Profile picture
黃慧文 (they/them) Official Critic for the Attorney General / Small Business / 2SLGBTQI+ Issues

Sep 28, 2021, 8 tweets

Today’s EBlast is now in your inbox! Read below ⬇️ for EBlast highlights.
You can also read today’s full EBlast on my website:…

In today’s EBlast, I discuss an exciting vaccine milestone, and I also provide many resources in advance of Thursday’s first National Day of Truth and Reconciliation. Today’s EBlast also contains many community updates (keep reading!)

Our Plan Toronto is hosting a series of public meetings on key Official Plan policy areas that are currently under review as part of the Our Plan Toronto consultation program. Find the link to register in today’s EBlast:…

In today’s EBlast I talk about this weekend where I was thrilled to join Don’t Mess with the Don and over 50 volunteers to help clean over 5000 pounds of garbage from Rosedale Valley road. Learn all about this great group in today’s EBlast:…

Human Nature Projects Ontario work to provide solutions to prolong the preservation of the environment. To support their work, they are hosting a fundraiser from Monday, September 13 to Thursday, September 30, 2021. Find out more in today’s EBlast:…

The City of Toronto is advancing its work to review the parking requirements in new development applications. Feedback from the public meetings will inform proposed changes to the By-law. Register to attend 1 of 2 meetings available in today’s EBlast:…

Construction notice: Toronto Hydro will be upgrading the overhead electrical cables and installing hydro poles within city-owned property in areas of Ward 13 until December 2022. Learn more in today’s EBlast:…

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