Victorian Wader Study Group Profile picture
The Victorian Wader Study Group conducts long-term studies of waders and terns throughout Victoria. It has been operating since 1978.

Sep 29, 2021, 5 tweets

The VWSG, made up of 140 volunteers, has contributed to monitoring of waders in Victoria and SE Australia for 40 years. We have a number of important monitoring around Melb, including Port Philip & Western Port Bay #SCBMelb21

Through long-term capture/banding/flagging in Vic, starting in 1974, our data have contributed to measuring population decline of waders across the East Asian Aus Flyway. REF:…
Note diff ⬇️trajectories in Curlew Sandpiper & Red-necked Stint. #SCBMelb21

These waders which we captured in Australia migrate to the Arctic to breed, annually.
Through fitting of geos on birds in Western Port Bay we find that Red-necked Stint (blue) and Curlew Sandpiper (orange) have similar migration routes, but different strategies #SCBMelb21

Curlew Sandpiper use fewer stop-over sites along migration, with more reliance on Yellow Sea than Red-necked Stint.
This "minor" difference may be driving differences in trajectories of ⬇️ population decline
Useful data for conservation strategies along EAAF #SCBMelb21

Through data collected by our local heros, we can have a global impact for waders!


You are welcome to join us in the field:

If you see a banded wader, please report it…

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