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Grassroot campaign.The authentic voice of those in care #CareSupporter #GloriasLaw #RightsForResidents FB: https://t.co/tSUgJJMEoA

Sep 30, 2021, 10 tweets

Today we are going to look at some of the current guidance that every care home resident/family/friend has to go follow (if they are lucky) - does any other part of society have 20 pages of who and how you can see your loved one? Time to revisit @GillianKeegan @sajidjavid #rfr

You might be allowed to hold hands but it come with risks.... they would rather you didn't, but if you do, keep it brief @MattHancock this was in place when you were in charge as well #rightsforresidents

At the end of the day it is all just guidance, it does not have to be followed, this is what we have found and care home providers/managers have the final say - many do - many really don't #rightsforresidents

Ohhhh so now let us go and 👀at section 2.3 - this is where it gets good! #Gloriaslas #rightsforresidents

Just look at the wording being used. Remembering this is for those in care homes, many have advanced dementia, many are young with mental or physical disabilities - substantial screens, outdoor pods, the ecg can sit with their loved ones whilst others look thro a screen #rfr

This is CARE HOME current guidance. This is the guidance for our loved ones in their own homes.... what else do we have/need to be able to see our family/friends without all these restrictions #rightsforresidents

Consider the use of speakers and hearing devices - reassure visitors (we are not visitors we are family) that some people with dementia might struggle at first to remember or recognis them......#rightsforresidents

Of course all of the above is only guidance - it appears many providers do not recognise or understand what an #essentialcaregiver is. Most of us have had to ask/fight for it - there are some wonderful homes who have offered it to all and for that we are always grateful #rfr

This was 10/9/21 @Helen_Whately thinks it is acceptable that there may have to be restrictions to our loved ones seeing their friends and family @GillianKeegan do you agree? or may be you be willing to speak to the providers who are doing all they can and families affected #rfr

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