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Tweeting from the underbelly of higher ed. Joint account with advanced degrees in sociology, environmental science, and social work.

Sep 30, 2021, 15 tweets


Here's a countdown of 15 "great moments" that we just can't forget. Let us know what you think #1 should have been!

# 1⃣5⃣
Basketball hoops are blocked or removed to prevent people from exercising outdoors.

# 1⃣4⃣
The magical 6ft social distancing rule is applied even outdoors.

# 1⃣3⃣
People are encouraged to wash their groceries and then leave them for 24 hours to prevent infection.

# 1⃣2⃣
Dr. Fauci shows us that masking is only important for non-celebrities.

# 1⃣1⃣
Public leaders gather in large groups only days after telling everyone gathering in large groups in dangerous and against the rules.

# 1⃣0⃣
California suggests masking in-between bites to stop the spread of Covid.

# 9⃣
Playgrounds are shutdown and police tape is used to stop children from getting fresh air and exercising.

# 8⃣
Band members are forced to use masks with holes in them to make sure the audience knows how important masking is.

# 7⃣
Children are made to learn behind plexiglass barriers that make both learning and air flow far worse.

# 6⃣
Even people on park benches must be protected for their own good.

# 5⃣
Candidate Biden not only shows us the importance of masks but that coughing into your elbow is not a requirement of "The Science"

# 4⃣
The former CDC director explains that masks are more effective than vaccines... which is really saying something.

# 3⃣
Even being alone on a windy beach while masked can't completely protect you from Covid.

# 2⃣
This helps us all remember that pretending to avoid Covid is more important than breathing.

# 1⃣
No amount of money, effort, or idiocy is too much when enforcing the rules of "The Science".

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