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Oct 1, 2021, 25 tweets

Meet pediatric nurse Dianna Rathbun of Michigan. She gave a very impassioned speech against masks and CRT at the Lowell School Board meeting on August 9th and three days ago she died of Covid. The speech video is linked below.

She wanted this shared so here it is. facebook.com/10000085253653…

Transcript of a speech she gave in June to the Lowell School Board.

She has a teenage son so don’t be a dick and go comment stuff on her Facebook posts. That’s really unnecessary.

Her friends in a local parent group were trying to get her MORE ivermectin.

This is the admin of the Lowell Kids 1st group. Nothing will change these peoples minds.

Wow. No words.

This is how their friends deal with it.

Isn’t it illegal to give other people medication prescribed to you? Unless she meant the horse paste…

A bathshit post and comment thread from Deborah facebook.com/10000025806601…

Her funeral service live now. Not many masks. fb.watch/8mTBTO_uB4/

A relative just said that she didn’t change her mind about anything even as she was hospitalized. Also that she’s in a better place with no masks. 😑

Her friend is now worried about the diseases that Afghan refugees might bring to the community.

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