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Salafi wahabi is human WMD - Weapon of Mass Destruction, PKS/Ikhwanul Muslimin has been banned in arab & moslem countries

Oct 1, 2021, 8 tweets

Akmal Sjafril member of forbidden political IM (Ikhwanul Muslimin) based party PKS or Gelora party, IM is prohibited in many moslem countries such as Saudi, Egypt, UAE, etc.

Lewinda Jotari, Maulida Zakiah, Qonita Zakiyah are members of forbidden political IM (Ikhwanul Muslimin) based party PKS or Gelora party, IM is prohibited in many moslem countries such as Saudi, Egypt, UAE, etc.

Sultan Nuruddin Zanki, Nur Arofah: members of forbidden political IM (Ikhwanul Muslimin) based party PKS or Gelora party, IM is prohibited in many moslem countries such as Saudi, Egypt, UAE, etc.

Ahmad Rofiqi, Irma Oktiani: members of forbidden political IM (Ikhwanul Muslimin) based party PKS or Gelora party, IM is prohibited in many moslem countries such as Saudi, Egypt, UAE, etc.

Asep Sobari, Lc., Dr Syamsuddin Arif of INSISTS: members of forbidden political IM (Ikhwanul Muslimin) based party PKS or Gelora party, IM is prohibited in many moslem countries such as Saudi, Egypt, UAE, etc.

@bacautas ping

IM which is PKS or Gelora party in Indonesia, is prohibited in moslem and arab countries because their khawarij takfiri in their founder ideology, they try to hide Sayid Qutb however written manuscripts, books etc have become history proof of this takfiri and khawarij movement

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