molson 🧠⚙️ Profile picture
guy who is trying to go super saiyan

Oct 1, 2021, 7 tweets

Covid lockdowns and supply chain disruptions in Vietnam, as told by e-mails.

E-mail 1: July 8, 2021.

Expected resumption date July 26, 2021


E-mail 2: July 19, 2021

Expected resumption date: August 2, 2021


E-mail 3: August 2, 2021

Expected resumption date: August 14, 2021


E-mail 4: August 16, 2021

Expected resumption date: September 15, 2021


E-mail 5: September 13, 2021

Expected resumption date: early October, 2021

E-mail 6: October 1, 2021

Expected resumption date: ?????


Two 40' containers delayed for almost 3 months.

Christmas inventory, which we will probably receive after Christmas.

Disaster for us, disaster for our supplier, and a disaster for Vietnam.


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