Dagi 🇪🇹 Profile picture
Engineering | Geopolitics | Ethiopia & HoA

Oct 1, 2021, 5 tweets

Have a look at Kwesi Sansculotte (@KSansculotteG) (one of the @UN staff expelled) Twitter feed.

🤔 See him buddying up with Rashad Abdi & Kjetil Tronvoll. Even Alex de Waal’s ‘World Peace Fdn’ in there.

Not a single mention of suffering in Amhara & Afar - his bias is clear.

Here’s Kwesi, the @UNOCHA ‘Peace & Development Advisor’, tweeting an article which opens by glorifying the TPLF.

💬 “Thirty years ago, I saw the rebels take Addis Ababa… it was the best day of my life”

A group responsible for the death, torture & imprisonment of thousands.

This one’s interesting:

➡️ Why would this @UNOCHA ‘Peace & Development Advisor’ tweet this?

➡️ What objective did it serve given the purpose of Rashad’s tweet?

➡️ Is he trolling?

Trouble at home Kwesi?

Account deactivated.
Kwesi says peace out ✌️

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