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writer of threads || baker of breads || @aiisdev

Oct 1, 2021, 18 tweets

If you take a step back…

There are so many absolutely insane things that can be done with certain DeFi protocols, yet it still seems no one applies it to the world outside of crypto.

DeFi on $ETH has tons of unique opportunities for you to discover.

I’ll explain below… 🥐

Did you know that a $DAI loan can be converted to fiat & used as a traditional loan?

I know this sounds very obvious, but hear me out.

You can keep exposure to $ETH by borrowing $DAI, then use for loans on cars, houses, etc!

No credit scores, no banks, & lower interest rates…

Did you know that tens of thousands of farmers in Kenya have crop insurance thanks to smart contracts on Ethereum?

Utilizing $LINK oracles, Etherisc provides you with automated protections for a variety of use cases

It has insurance for flight delays, crops, hurricanes, & more!

Did you know that you can set up a payroll (or any other stream of value) and get it paid in real time to users on $ETH?

Just set the amount you want to be paid out, duration, & the recipient address for instantaneous payments!

No payroll hassle, & peak employee satisfaction

Did you know you can monetize content on Ethereum with digital tokens?

I plan to monetize some of my content by making it accessible to only holders of an NFT

The same NFT will also give access to a discord, pay out dividends of sales, and unlock special research on my site 👀

Did you know you can form a decentralized autonomous organization without having to know any code?

There are tons of dApps meant for decentralized collaboration, budgeting, and DAO management on $ETH

Alchemy, for example provides libraries of protocols for DAOs to utilize

Did you know you can invest in gold, silver, stocks, or even forex markets on $ETH?

By visiting a synthetic token protocol, you’ll gain the ability to trade real world items on the blockchain.

Off-chain oracles relay price feeds of these synthetic assets, which can be anything!

Did you know you can participate in dispute resolutions & earn money for voting correctly?

Kleros has jurors, or stakers of the $PNK token to vote on cases that can’t be solved in courts.

All of it is done in a decentralized manner, with winning voters earning yield.

Did you know you can register, buy, or sell domains to create unstoppable websites with IPFS and ENS?

Thanks to DNS namespace integration, larger companies can also easily authenticate different addresses with their own domain names.

ENS names act as universal Web 3.0 profiles.

Did you know you can play video games & actually earn rewards while owning the items that you acquire on $ETH?

This is the next iteration of the gaming industry, this time formed by the customers

The popular new “play to earn” model will have exponential network effects

Did you know you can set up tickets to events that are represented as NFTs, to collect royalties from sales on secondary markets?

These tickets are programmable in many ways unique to their creators, & easily purchased

Users won’t even have to know it’s on the blockchain!

Did you know you can create real life legal agreements on $ETH with a few lines of code?

These types of smart contracts can help to significantly reduce the friction & cost of creating legal agreements while providing legal clarity for digital assets

No more lawyers, just code.

Did you know that you can use decentralized social media thanks to Ethereum?

dApps like and are great for this

All content here lives forever on unstoppable domains, & they are programmable across many other applications

Did you know you can earn passive yield on your holdings with little work?

By depositing into any one of the major DeFi protocols, users can earn significant yield with little risk from counterparts

The composable nature of DeFi allows you to manage risk & yield accordingly

Did you know you can trade various prediction markets on Ethereum?

These markets can be made up of nearly anything:

DeFi tokens, different analytics, Seattle’s crime rate, NFT indexes + political markets, and the list goes on..

With this, $ETH tokenizes info AND sentiment

Did you know you can set up smart contact wallets with special permissions for sub-accounts on $ETH?

This will allow users to enjoy various things like gas-less txs, multi-sigs & even social recovery…

You can set up these wallets for family members, employees, or friends!

Did you know you that layer two networks on Ethereum offer substantially lower tx fees & quicker confirmation?

Optimistic & zkproof rollups have been several years in the making, but they are now able to scale $ETH massively

The best part? They benefit from Ethereum’s security.

By now i’m sure it’s clear that there are a wide range of applications for DeFi in the real world that we don’t talk about enough…

These are trillion dollar use cases that haven’t even been explored.

Let’s change that.

If you made it this far, I hope you enjoyed! 🥐

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