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Oct 2, 2021, 8 tweets

“I don’t think anything could be done about it until BOTH SIDES step up.”

Meek Mill, who partnered with the NFL’s efforts to stop the kneeling protests, released a new album. At an NFL social justice event, Meek Mill *both-sided* problems with the police.

As an NFL social justice artist, Meek Mill was assigned to promote the Crushers Club, a group whose director cut the locs of Black youth “for a better life.”

That’s same same young man in both pictures. The NFL gave this lady $200,000.

Many people know the story of Crushers Club, how the NFL’s PR effort to replace the kneeling protests was thwarted when this account exposed how one of the featured charities was ran by a Trump supporter who mentored youth to become agents of incarceration and cut off their hair.

The NFL never apologized. The NFL’s social justice partners, Jay-Z and Roc Nation, never apologized. They still gave the group the $200,000. No official statement was made on the controversy.

Here is what they did do. Here’s the rest of the story…

Instead of apologizing, the NFL’s sent one of the kids who had his locs cut off to go on a media blitz to defend the charity they just gave $200K to.

Ebro asked who reached out to get the kid on the show. Someone answered, “Didier.” When Ebro asked, “and you work with who?,” Didier answered, “Um, I’m, I’m helping him out, I’m helping him out.”

The crew identified Didier as “Meek Mill’s publicist” aligned with Roc Nation.

Who is Didier Morais? He is Meek Mill’s publicist and an employee of Berk Communications, a public relations company that works with Jay-Z and Roc Nation.

Berk is the PR firm pushing the NFL’s social justice efforts.

Didier, who was on hand for the NFL’s social justice launch, posted he was in the “middle of fixing a PR crisis.”

Inspire Change is the NFL’s PR effort to eliminate kneeling and distract from the NFL’s ongoing ban of Colin Kaepernick. Instead, they were discredited.

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