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Oct 2, 2021, 7 tweets

🧵on the lay of the modular blockchain land for @scribeDAO

TL:DR; Blockchains have now become composable removing the need for a singular chain to tackle the Blockchain trilemma, rather a variety of chains can specialize and work together as modules to provide the best solution

This article discusses the three main components of blockchains, and how now a variety of chains can specialize and come together to more efficiently tackle the trilemma

Read the full thing here by @epolynya :…

🅰️What is a blockchain fundamentally?

A gross oversimplification, but you can bucket a blockchain into 3 main functionalities



Data Availability

A singular blockchain having to complete all three is what leads to the trilemma, but they can be split apart

1⃣ Execution

We can have execution exclusive layers solely focused on throughput

Rollups are the best example of this, with ORs like A1

However, we are fast improving even here with EVM compatible volitions like zkSync 2.0 and StarkNet v1 that will reduce tx fees to ~$.0X

2⃣ Security

Here we can rely upon our ultra secure L1s ETH and BTC

Other L1s have unfortunately made sacrifices here to security/decentralization to achieve scalability

And unless BTC adds verification capability to zk-SN(T)ARKs, even they cannot compete with ETH here

3⃣ Data Availability

ETH 2.0 also has a great roadmap here with sharded chains, but is not close to completion

In the meantime validiums and volitions can create separate data availability layers by committing compressed tx data while maintaining ETHs security capabilities

4⃣ Conclusion

It's clear that concept of composabilty is now being extended to blockchains. The efficiency of specialization should narrow the aperture for new blockchains to focus on execution, security, or data availability. There's no need to do it all

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