Adam Wagner Profile picture
Barrister @DoughtyStreet. Chair @EachOtherUK. Visiting Prof @GoldsmithsUoL. Author #EmergencyState. Views my own not of Doughty Street Chambers.

Oct 2, 2021, 9 tweets

Some big changes to the travel regulations published and came into force yesterday

Green/Amber lists gone, red list remains

The Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel and Operator Liability) (England) (Amendment) (No. 13) Regulations 2021…

The explanatory memorandum is as useful very useful

Now just two categories of country - "Rest of the world" and "red list" (hotel quarantine)

Important details on how vaccinated travellers can prove their vaccinated status through NHS Covid Pass and international equivalents

Also for the first time in the international travel context includes in those who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons

Need through the NHS Covid Pass to show a "medical practitioner has advised that they should not be vaccinated for clinical reasons"

This is what the "eligible traveller" exception (which includes those under 18) means - doesn't count for red list arrivals, who still have to hotel quarantine

This is the justification for the changes - vaccinated travellers are safer and reduce risk of transmission by 50-80%

Also, for those applying for medical exemptions from hotel quarantine, new bit on what evidence they need from a medical practitioner…

I have updated my Covid resources table with the new regulations and a link to this thread…

Sorry, should also have said that people who do not fall within the "eligible traveller" category from "rest of world" countries will still need to self-isolate for 10 days or from day 5 if they test negative from then

Effect of these changes is anyone coming from a non-red list country who is not vaccinated will now have to self-isolate, whereas before if you came from Green List and weren't vaccinated you wouldn't have to self-isolate.
So greatly increases the importance of vaccination status

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