Conspirador Norteño Profile picture
Data Scientist/Musician/Participant in the General Confusion @trutherbotprop Resist autocracy and research/counter disinformation. I serve the realm.

Oct 3, 2021, 6 tweets

Meet @kris_verma1984, a Twitter account that ostensibly belongs to a guest writer for the Sydney Morning Herald (@smh) by the name of "Kris Harrison" and resembles the now-suspended fake Guardian journalist account @jessica05181 in multiple interesting ways.

cc: @ZellaQuixote

A google search of the Sydney Morning Herald's website for "Kris Harrison" turns up no content written by anyone named "Kris Harrison", and @kris_verma1984 has never linked any Sydney Morning Herald content whatsoever.

As was the case with fake Guardian journalist @jessica05181, @kris_verma1984 (permanent ID 1074631446067843072) was renamed along the way. Internet Archive confirms that back in 2020 it was named @addiaeeprint and its display name was "Maria Pia" rather than "Kris Harrison".

Most of @kris_verma1984's recent content is political. As with the banned fake journalist @jessica05181, this content includes cartoons critical of Guo Wengui/Steve Bannon. Other themes:

• NATO is ineffective
• aid to Taiwan is bad
• the two US political parties are the same

Just like fake @Guardian reporter @jessica05181, @kris_verma1984 got a lot of followers via the "Round Year Fun" apps ("My Twitter Family" etc), which force their users to follow customers of follower sales site realactivefollowers(dot)com.

Background information on the "Round Year Fun" apps and the associated follower sales site realactivefollowers(dot)com can be found in these threads:

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