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Oct 3, 2021, 10 tweets

"Was it all for our sake?"

A thread on the final chapter of AoT.


Let's talk about this scene very quick. Among many stuff that's been misinterpreted in the final chapter, this is one of them.

Eren is (partially) lying here when he says "...That's right" to Armin's question that asked whether everything Eren did was to make them into heroes who would save humanity.

It's very surprising that so many people have a hard time understanding that if a character says something that doesn't really align with what they said previously, it means they are lying or trying to hide the complete truth and not a retcon ffs.

It's like people who say shit like this can't process new information in a story and need everything spelt out for them. Like do you actually need Isayama to make Eren say "I'm sorry Armin, I lied before. Even if I...." in this scene for you to get it?

It's made so obvious that Eren's not being completely honest with Armin in this chapter. I mean Eren actually says "...That's right" with an empty face and a cliched pause lmao. And he also changes the topic when Armin asks him the same question again. It's on the nose tbh.

It's also very interesting to me why he doesn't want Armin and his friends to know about his "desire". He's probably ashamed of it and doesn't want his friends to think of him as just a monster.

BUT seeing as how Armin still wants to find another way (Remember from Armin's pov, Eren is doing this all for their sake so that they can live long lives and that's why he still wants to find another way to bring peace without killing most of the human population),+

Eren finally confesses to Armin that what he's doing is something he also wanted. He tells him about his innate desire to flatten the world, He makes it clear that he IS a monster that cannot be forgiven.

Tldr; Eren wasn't being completely honest when he said what he did was all for his friends' sake. He even avoided it when Armin asked him the same q. again BUT towards the end of their very long convo he finally confessed that what he did was something he also desired.


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