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Oct 3, 2021, 10 tweets

Let's take a quick look at the work of horror and fantasy artist Hans Arnold today...

Hans Arnold was born in Switzerland, but spent most of his career in Sweden. He's widely known for his horror and folktale art.

Arnold had a very strict Catholic education in Switzerland, with a strong emphasis on heaven and hell. It clearly influenced his work.

He started his career as an apprentice film artist, and he later went on to work on a number of cinema posters.

In Sweden Arnold is fondly remembered for his illustrations for the Bland tomtar och troll books...

...but he's mostly known and appreciated for his horror art!

ABBA asked Hans Arnold to illustrate an album for them, as did Duran Duran and Spiritual Beggars.

He also worked with Rose Bjorkman to create the Jolanda Tarot set, based on the Swedish Witch Tarot.

A number of books have been published bringing together his work, so do look out for them!

I'll do more charming Swedish horror another time...

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