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Why it's Wobbles, the Goose!

Oct 4, 2021, 35 tweets

I wrote another short thing on GA for #MTGMoxtober’s day 3 prompt: Pawn! It’s about changing the rules around game components to add variety to cube formats and other casual play! goblinartisans.blogspot.com/2021/10/moxtob…

For the Pawn post, I also included a homebrew Monarch variant I’m calling Monarch Chess. I love @shawnmain’s Monarch mechanic and I really like to mess around with it in casual formats. Does anyone else have fun casual rule hacks? #MTGMoxtober #mtgcustom

#MTGMoxtober Day 4 - Dream

I do enjoy a good 3 mana token maker. Not quite sure if Poppet Stitcher makes the cut in the Rabblemaster/Monastery Mentor/Sledgemore Witch pseudo-cycle, but this might

#MTGmoxtober Day 5 - Nightmare

Ashiok as a hoard planeswalker ala Garruk, the Slayer

C&C welcome


I wrote an article for MOXtober where I talk about a possible implementation of Plot Boosters: goblinartisans.blogspot.com/2021/10/moxtob…

#MTGMoxtober Day 7 - Wax

Silverquill countering a Prismari spell? I love it. Great Magic card fan art by @Colas_art!

#Moxtober Day 9 - Duel
Pistols at Dawn
Also a submission for Goblin Artisan’s weekend challenge! goblinartisans.blogspot.com/2021/10/weeken…

#MTGMoxtober Day 10 - Mystic

#MTGMoxtober Day 11 - Thief
Stole an early preview from Baldur’s Gate for you!

#mtgmoxtober Day 12 - Bones
I create a new Google Sheet Set Skeleton template! Not only can you use it to create new sets, you can analyze existing sets thanks to @CubeApril’s amazing Scryfall plug in. Check it out! #wotcsafe goblinartisans.blogspot.com/2021/10/moxtob…

#mtgmoxtober Day 13 - Thirteen
I created a Magic variant that combines elements of @maro254’s Magic puzzles and @buttonshy’s solo game series. You can even playtest it online!

What’s the right balance between luck and strategy in a solo game? #wotcsafe


#mtgmoxtober Day 14 - Summoning
It’s always bugged me that Braids, Cabal Minion is called Braids, Dementia Summoner in flavor text. So I made a new Braids. Also a neat Dementia token #mtgcustom

#mtgmoxtober Day 15 - Nobility

I like the idea of powering up old nobles, rather than just giving them reboots! This is based on @Bass_Wakil’s post

Thinking about these in a Commander Cube, where the legends are low picks unless they’re your commander

#MTGMOXTOBER Day 16 - Orbit:
Space Explorer. Just circling around with the design space of Space tokens, enchantment lands without abilities

#MTGMOXTOBER Day 16 - Command:
Punnett’s Dual Major

#MTGMOXTOBER Day 18 - Undeath:
Undead Parrot
Great prompt today, but I think I finally came up with a fun one

#mtgmoxtober Day 19 - Sweet: Everlasting Gobstopper
I’m so sorry @rpancoast_art, but I loved the art!

#mtgmoxtober Day 20 - Ritual: Vennett/Dark Riches
I never really got to a point where I was pleased with any of these designs. Vennett has some fun (for me) Easter Eggs, Riches has busto Black Lotuses, but IDK

#mtgmoxtober Day 21 - Decay: Gideon, Zombie Hero
I really liked the “decayed as rebound” idea from Undead Parrot, but I wanted to think about where else decayed could be interesting on a non-creature permanent. Nice a spooky package came together!

#mtgmoxtober Day 22 - Bifurcate : Full Moon Reflection

We’ve clearly reached the cheeky stage of my Moxtober

#mtgmoxtober Day 23 - Howl:
The Best Minds //
Destroyed by Madness // Angelheaded Hipsters

#mtgmoxtober Day 23 - Howl:
City of Moloch
One more Howl Secret Lair bonus card!

#mtgmoxtober Day 24 - Puppet:
Wee, Lil’ Puppet Vamp’
I’m several days behind with cross posting these!

#mtgmoxtober Day 25 - Ashes:
Valley of Ashes
Which cultural reference is more obscure? Yesterdays card that refers to a 18 year old tv episode or todays?

#mtgmoxtober Day 26 - Cult:
Bored Ape Yacht Club

Trying out a mechanic. Thoughts?

#mtgmoxtober Day 26 - Cult:
Bored Ape Yacht Cult

Do you prefer these with more traditional fantasy art, or 6 figure NFTs?

#mtgmoxtober Day 27 - Parasite:
Parasitic Paradise and Arcane Infestation

The more I think about Parasitic Paradise, the more I like it. Especially because digital makes it easy to list all the keywords

#mtgmoxtober Day 28 - Wyvern:
Goldspan Signet
Wyvern was a tough one, but I like where this wound up.

#mtgMoxtober Day 28 - Wyvern: Riding the Luck Dragon

Another one for yesterdays prompt (And a bit of todays)

#mtgMoxtober Day 29 - Legacy: Odric, Corrupted Legacy
This is my called shot for the character returning as a vampire. But I’m 0-2 on called shots so far!

#mtgMoxtober Day 30 - Apotheosis: Cardinal Nadir//Pope Theosis

Such punchy, terrible puns to close out the month

#mtgMoxtober Day 29 - Doom: Debt tokens

Thank you @bradleyrose, @Mark_Confidant and @magicdesigncast generally for a fun event!

Finally, to close out #mtgmoxtober and hopefully get this corniness out of my system, a little Monday morning #Meta humor

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