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Oct 4, 2021, 24 tweets

Jimin radiating slytherin energy - A thread

jimin cheating on the national television πŸ—Ώ

remember when vmin cheated so that they could win

when jimin & jin ended their vlive as soon as jungkook showed up 😭😭 it's was such an iconic day

Jimin: "it's so heartbreaking to suspect our own members"
also Jimin: "I love it"

Yoongi: wasabi makes me cry
Meanwhile Jimin:

Jin's expression when Jimin didn't jump 😭

When Jimin let Taehyung think that there were only 2 people sleeping in the room but then look at tae's expression 😭

jimin cheating to help jungkook win

But look at Jungkook just letting Jimin cheat πŸ˜”

When Jimin changed his position which made Namjoon confused 😭

A whole chaos in the back, meanwhile Jimin's just enjoying the cake

JIMIN birthday goals πŸ’œ


@y00ngihappy @tetecypherr @taelvjjk_ @borahaespeaks @30sTAEthic

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