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Oct 4, 2021, 13 tweets

The financial secrets of some of the world’s rich and powerful have been uncovered in the Pandora Papers. Here’s why it matters to you ⬇️

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The Pandora Papers exposed leaked files that tie hundreds of world leaders and celebrities to offshore tax havens hiding assets worth hundreds of millions of dollars

The Pandora Papers exposed the ties between world leaders, celebrities and sport stars to the hidden world of offshore wealth collectively worth trillions of dollars.

Here is a look at some of those named in the investigation ➡️

Jordan's King Abdullah II is among those named in the Pandora Papers.

Documents show that King Abdullah created a network of offshore companies and tax havens to amass a $100m property empire from Malibu, California to Washington, DC and London

The Pandora Papers also exposed the wealth of allies to Pakistan's PM Imran Khan.

Two members of Khan’s cabinet were prominent in the leaks - alongside more than 700 other Pakistani citizens including donors to his Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party

The Pandora Papers show that Lebanon's recently reappointed billionaire PM Najib Mikati owns a Panama-based offshore company which he used to buy property in Monaco worth $10m.

The findings come as the country faces an economic crisis

The Pandora Papers suggest the family of Kenya's President Uhuru Kenyatta is linked to at least 13 offshore companies.

One of the companies has assets worth at least $30 million ⬇️

In response to the Pandora Papers, Jordan's royal palace says that King Abdullah's properties in the US and UK were "no secret" and that privacy and security reasons were behind not disclosing them ⬇️

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Russia has dismissed leaks in the Pandora Papers implicating President Putin as “unsubstantiated claims”.

The investigation shone a light on wealth allegedly amassed by Kremlin-linked individuals

While not directly named in the Pandora Papers, Pakistan's PM Imran Khan has vowed to investigate Pakistani citizens that have been linked to millions of dollars of offshore dealings, including prominent members of his own cabinet.

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Ukraine's President Zelenskyy transferred his stake in a secret offshore company in 2012 just before he was elected.

His office sought to justify those offshore accounts following leaked revelations in the Pandora Papers ➡️

Ex-Hong Kong leaders CY Leung and Tung Chee-hwa were named in the Pandora Papers over the undisclosed sale of company shares and setting up offshore companies to skirt taxes.

Both now serve as senior members of an advisory committee for the Chinese gov't

Lebanon PM Mikati says his wealth is legal after Pandora Papers leak reveals he owns an offshore firm in Panama

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