Mark Joseph Stern Profile picture
Senior writer @Slate. Courts and the law. Three birds, one dog, one baby. BlueSky: mjsdc

Oct 4, 2021, 7 tweets

The Supreme Court's order list is here:…

The court swats away the challenge to Trump's border wall "in light of the changed circumstances."

Justice Breyer, writing alone, once again questions "the constitutionality of the death penalty."

At the point, the only (small) step he could take to really combat the death penalty is step down so a younger progressive can continue this battle.…

Didn't the Priests for Life get the memo that the justices aren't just a bunch of partisan hacks?!

Justice Sotomayor once again serves as the conscience of the court by highlighting injustices in relatively obscure cases.…

First, Thomas v. Payne. a capital case in which the 8th Circuit pulled a nasty trick to deny relief.

Second, Gann v. US, flagging an ACCA question for a future case.…

I wrote about Sotomayor's careful attention to major injustices in minor cases last term:…

Anyway, happy First Monday! It's the start of a new Supreme Court term.🥴 For the first time ever, you can listen to oral arguments live from the courtroom, right here:…

And before arguments begin, here's one more solo Sotomayor opinion in a tragic qualified immunity case, James v. Bartelt. Sotomayor writes that QI "does not protect an officer who inflicts deadly force on a person who is only a threat to himself."…

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