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Oct 4, 2021, 6 tweets

Farmers in India vowed to intensify their months-long protest against laws aimed at liberalizing agriculture as tension flared a day after eight people were killed in clashes between growers and ruling party supporters 1/6

Four of the eight were killed when a car linked to a senior ruling party official crashed into protesters in Uttar Pradesh state, protest leaders said 2/6

Police said they were investigating the crash and had registered a case against 13 people, including a son of a minister of state in the interior ministry, Ajay Kumar Mishra 3/6

The legislation the farmers object to, introduced in September last year, deregulates the sector, allowing farmers to sell produce to buyers beyond government-regulated wholesale markets, where growers are assured of a minimum price 4/6

Small farmers say the changes make them vulnerable to competition from big business, and that they could eventually lose price supports for staples such as wheat and rice 5/6

The government says reform of the sector, which accounts for about 15% of the $2.7 trillion economy, mean new opportunities and better prices for farmers.

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