Kevin Nadal, Ph.D. Profile picture
Distinguished Professor @CUNY/@JohnJayCollege/@GC_CUNY. Author #FilAmPsych #Microaggressions #QueeringLawAndOrder & more Founder @lgbtqsoc. 🇵🇭🏳️‍🌈✊🏽

Oct 5, 2021, 6 tweets

In case IG & Facebook go down again, here is some content for #FilipinoAmericanHistoryMonth!

Throughout the month of October, I’ll be sharing my #FAHMSyllabus, which will include some of my favorite resources for learning about Filipina/x/o American history and experiences.

Today, we begin with history books and historical memoirs! These are books that are written about (and in) different time eras - all by Pin@y authors! #FAHM #FAHM2021

I’ll also share some of my favorite essays, research articles, films, poetry, novels, and more! But for now, here are the history recommendations! #FilipinoAmericanHistory is American History! #FAHM @fanhs_national

The #FAHMSyllabus continues for #FilipinoAmericanHistoryMonth!

Here are resources for learning about Filipina/x/o American experiences in psychology, education, & activism. All written by Pin@y authors, these selections range from out-of-print titles to current radical texts.

Thank you to my colleagues/ kababayan/ friends for continuing to inspire us and provide resources for our community!

#FAHM #FAHM2021 #FilAmAcademia #FilipinoAmericanHistory

Support Filipina/x/o American authors!

#FAHM #FAHM2021 #FilAmAcademia #FilipinoAmericanHistory

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