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plucking stars for my dearest koomi.

Oct 5, 2021, 28 tweets

"armys are always well taken care of by min yoongi" — a thread

everytime he talks to us with so much love and gives the best advices 🥺

more meaningful words

👤 : who is behind you?
🐱 : there's ARMY behind me

he always tells army not to let go of their dreams and it's okay to not have them as well, always remember

remember his letter for armys where he wrote he's always rooting for us? i am in tears 😭

always reminding us that we did a great job :(( you did well today too yoongi

🐱 : army please don’t go on a diet

👤 : why?

🐱 : you are perfect just the way you are,imagine 1 gram of you leaving this world? I wouldn’t be able to live

he's fishing for armys and look at seokjin at the back dancing in tiny,can yall hear me crying? 🥺

many baby armys tend to assume him as a cold person which is not their fault but let me remind you that he's one of the most sweetest,heartiest and considerate person's out there.The time when he made present for 300 armys on his own proves his love for us

him going live just to talk to us and play guitar in front of millions of armys even though his shoulders were not in a good condition is literally the most lovable gestures he had done,an angel 🥺💗

when i say we don't deserve him i mean it, remember when he brought his little camera to film armys at the first ever fansign event? my heart :((

when he was asked to give army a nickname he said "reason of existence" ☹️

yoongi can't say no to army, here's a compilation which is highly needed :((

a compilation of what we call yoongi's tiny run towards the camera for your daily yoonotonin (yoongi+serotonin) 🐈

🌺 end of thread-please give him the world cause he deserves every bit of it

fairy's birthday goals 🧚‍♀️

daechwita mv is so close to 300M please stream


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