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They can't do it without your money; They can't do it without your compliance. #separationofeconomyandstate #amyisraelchai

Oct 5, 2021, 12 tweets

Dear New Jersey: you're in trouble (and so are we all, because this is spreading). @DrKarlynB remember the commenter yesterday who said this wasn't in NJ yet? Oh but it is, with a vengeance. Welcome to Math Appreciation, as written by the Handicapper General (I presume) 1/

Notice they're only going with "lived experiences" of people on the bottom of the achievement scale (teachers too). It's one-sided. 2/

Once again, they're anti-tracking, but love love love sorting kids by race and achievement to justify denying the achievers access to pathways to succeed. 3/

More of the same...wait until you see the "problem statement" in the next tweet.4/

Oh hello! It's the menace from Boston again (no wonder the place has such an evil aura--not kidding, it really does). 5/

Eureka math was tailor made to eliminate memorization and abstraction. It's all concepts. It's more about what you think the answer might be, and how you might try to get the answer, not about the right answer. Being correct is so..."white." 🙄🤡6/

Look at the long range plans. Now we get into magical thinking, and tragically people looking at this will be excited. There's no way the rest of the plan achieves this. Not a prayer. 7/

So as per usual, learning and proficiency aren't the goals in the end, forget the previous slide. It's all about equity, which can only be achieved by setting the blade on the mower to the lowest cut, so all blades of grass will be equally short. Mowing vs fertilizing. /END

By this I mean equity of course.

These people not only don't understand math, they don't understand English. Student outcomes can't be predicted by race now. No one black child is just "a black child." The people predicting are the ones designing this crap.

If y'all missed the interview I did with Allison Coates about math, now is a good time to watch it.

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