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Oct 5, 2021, 10 tweets

So this arrived at the office today.

The Rolls Royce of vacuums, as stated by Forbes Magazine.

Can't wait to put it through its paces.

Review published soon.


#excited #whatifitssogoodwedontwanttosenditback

@lupe_technology A review in the form of an on-going twitter thread.

The Lupe Pure arrives in a solid box weighing in at 9.3kg.

The inner branded box (photo above) eases out of the outer packaging by using a well-placed sturdy handle.

Below is what you see when you open up the inner box.

It takes very little time to remove all the items and assemble the cleaner as shown below; three main parts - the main body, wand & cleaning head.

Attach the battery and away you go!

Accessories, a mount for them & a charging unit complete the package.

Very stylish & nimble.

Having spent a few days with the Lupe Pure, the single most impressive factor is the unrivalled suction power (see chart).

The amount that this machine lifts from what appeared perfectly clean carpets is incredible.

Deep clean surfaces then use a normal setting in future.

Feedback from people we have demonstrated the cleaner to is overwhelmingly positive, notably;

Stylish appearance

Easy to assemble & disassemble (easy to store)

Easy to move around with and switch from main head to wand cleaning

No cumbersome wires, operate where no sockets

World-beating suction power, this does amaze people

They also liked the fact that parts can be replaced individually, effectively giving you a vacuum for life and also that the parts can be recycled

Not well-known yet but sure to be a major player in this marketplace shortly.

Here are some more images of the Lupe Pure:

Here is the double page advertisement in the current issue of The Yorkshire Property Guide:

The Lupe Pure is a premium product developed to be a vacuum cleaner for life. Buy well, buy once.

If you're considering buying a Lupe for your home or office, please use our affiliate link here:


Thank you

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