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We are People For the American Way: a progressive nonprofit fighting for equal rights and constitutional liberties.

Oct 5, 2021, 6 tweets

NOW: We've been informed that if we stay at the White House, we will be arrested - and we likely won't be released immediately.

Hear from the people risking arrest why they're putting their bodies on the line for democracy. #VotingRightsNow

I am choosing to do this because of a long tradition of Catholic social is the least that I can offer, to hopefully inspire the hearts of other Americans to keep fighting for the right to vote, says @sisterquincy from @Faith_Democracy


I'm here today because I believe if we do not act now, we will lose our democracy, says Noelle Damico from @workerscircle


"We've counted the costs on both sides - what is the cost of getting arrested, and what is the cost if we don't take a stand for voting rights?

After counting the costs, I choose to take a stand," says @cliff_notes from @BlackVotersMtr #VotingRightsNOW

I believe that when you make a sacrifice, God honors that. We may go to jail. But maybe that jail will rock the nation. Shake up this recalcitrant Congress, and create a catalyst for transformation and change, said Revered Dr. Lewis Logan.


"We cannot so romanticize a rule in the Senate that was used to insulate Jim Crow that we're willing to let our democracy be assaulted from within," says @BenJealous.

President Biden: No more excuses. #VotingRightsNow

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