Kyle Barry Profile picture
Managing Editor, The Lab @theappeal, @NAACP_LDF & @AFJustice / Can you put the @UVMmbb game on?

Oct 5, 2021, 10 tweets

All the lies and scare tactics behind the GOP campaign to recall SF DA @chesaboudin can be dizzying.

I mean, the forest here is obvi a desperate plea for more failed, racist incarceration. But it's worth seeing that the trees are rotten.

So here's a THREAD w/ some FACTS:

First, the myths. Is crime up in SF? Nope. For a number of reasons (some about Chesa, some not), crime is down. Both the @sfchronicle & @thenib have this covered:…

Same goes for violent crime.

The @sfchronicle reported: "most types of violent crime actually plummeted [in 2020] — and all violent crime rates remain near their lowest levels since 1975.”

Another helpful graphic from @thenib:…

But what about homicide, it's WAY up everywhere right? Not in SF.

-2019 SF homicides: 41 (fewest since 1963)
-2020 SF homicides: 48


-2019 Oakland homicides: 96
-2020 Oakland homicides: 143…

But what about homicide, it's WAY up everywhere right? Not in SF.

-2019 SF homicides: 41 (fewest since 1963)
-2020 SF homicides: 48


-2019 Oakland homicides: 96
-2020 Oakland homicides: 143…

Speaking of homicides, lest you think this recall effort is at all sincere, a new @CJCJmedia report shows that CA's GOP-voting counties actually have higher rates of murder and violent crime than Dem-voting counties.

Yet SF is the recall target. Ok.…

Ok ok you say, but everyone knows that shoplifting is out of control, sending businesses running from SF.

No again -- in fact, retail theft is down almost 40% since YTD in 2018, a huge drop not plausibly explained by "lack of reporting"

Also refuting that "no one reports theft": @chesaboudin charges the bulk of organized retail theft cases that police bring -- 82% YTD & 83% last year.

Police solving more cases would mean more charges. Yet no one demanding more enforcement is petitioning to recall the police.

Myths dispelled and hysteria quelled, it's worth also noting Chesa's many accomplishments in less than 2 years.

Starting w/ safely decarcerating & decriminalizing poverty…

And that just scratches the surface. See also:

Holding police accountable✅
Protecting workers' rights✅
Helping vulnerable victims✅
Suing illegal corporate gun sellers✅
Fighting racist policing✅

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