International Diplomatic Council of Tamil Eelam Profile picture
The International Diplomatic Council of Tamil Eelam is an organization that strives for the rights of Tamils in Tamileelam and in diaspora.

Oct 5, 2021, 12 tweets

A clear message is sent out as the previous SL air force commander, Sumangala Dias for the second time is being refused a posting as Sri Lanka’s ambassador in Canada and now Italy, because of the war crimes he is responsible for. (1/12)

Under Sumangala Dias’s leadership roles in the Sri Lankan Air Force there is compelling evidence of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. There is also evidence of ‘’indiscriminate bombing missions against civilian targets’’. (2/12)

While he had leading roles in the SLAF it was undertaken many brutal and horrific airstrikes killing hundreds of innocent Tamil civilians. (3/12)

The shelling mainly took place in civilian areas;

Airstrikes in Ampur area over civilian areas in April 2006 is just an example of many other airstrikes he led aiming civilians. (4/12)

The Sencholai attack in 2006 where about 14 frequent bombings were carried out and killed 53 schoolgirls and leftover 100 injured is another big violation of humanity and war crimes. It’s also a known fact that SLAF knew about the presence of the girls, (5/12)

but they nevertheless carried out the brutal bombings.
In 2009 most of the shellings were targeted at food distribution queues, which was made easier as they got to know where the distribution was happening. (6/12)

No fire zone was introduced by SL government who also encouraged the Tamil civilians to move into these areas. Later they undertook intensive shelling all over the place killing over 140 000 , including children and women. (7/12)

Hospitals and united nation facilities were also targeted and heavily bombed. They also used cluster bomb munitions and white phosphorous against civilians and civilian targets, including in the No Fire Zones. (8/12)

These bombs are actually a contravention of the United Nations Convention on Cluster Munitions and the Protocol on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Incendiary Weapons. (9/12)

We strongly oppose the potential to appoint the retired war criminal as Sri Lanka’s high commissioner to Malaysia. How can a war criminal who took a big part in the highest peak in the genocide of Tamils in 2009?! (10/12)

Several countries have refused to even grant private visas to former senior commanders as a result of war crimes they are accountable for, this includes Dias too.
That’s why an international investigation of war crimes, human rights violations and genocide is important. (11/12)

A war criminal should not be allowed to be in a diplomatic posting with cold blood on their hands. (12/12)

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