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Oct 5, 2021, 10 tweets

Fred Gwynne (Herman Munster), Al Lewis (Grandpa), Yvonne De Carlo (as Lily), Pat Priest (cousin Marilyn), and Butch Patrick (as Eddie Munster) in The Munsters episode entitled Just Another Pretty Face, originally broadcast by CBS on January 13th, 1966.…

This was one of Fred Gwynne’s favorite episodes, mainly because he got to act unencumbered by the hot, unwieldy makeup and prosthetics required to portray Herman for a lengthy part of the show.…

Universal Studios, where The Munsters was filmed, hired special effects designer Ken Strickfaden to create the lightning effects for this episode.…

Strickfaden, by then retired, had created the same special effects for the original classic Universal Pictures/James Whale Frankenstein horror movie (starring Boris Karloff as “The Monster”) over thirty years earlier in 1931.…

Just Another Pretty Face


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