Aamer Anwar✊🏾🏳️‍🌈#BlackLivesMatter Profile picture
Defence & Public Inquiry Solicitor,Media,Lawyer to Scottish #COVID19 Bereaved Families,former Rector Glasgow Uni & Dad to❤️❤️❤️01414297090 office@aameranwar.com

Oct 6, 2021, 8 tweets

Thread 1/8- Insp.Warhurst @PoliceScotland blasted in Employment Tribunal said female firearms officers shld be accompanied on duty by males & shared topless photos on WhatsApp Grp, is now a Scottish Police Federation rep providing help 2female colleagues🙈 bbc.com/news/uk-scotla…

2/8- In his 2018 note, Insp Warhurst, warned against sending 2 women on a callout due to “obvious differences in physical capacity…For operational reasons I don’t want to see 2 female officers deployed together when there are sufficient male staff on duty”

3/8 -Insp said “This is based on my experience in firearms & routine policing environment, other than the obvious differences in physical capacity,it makes more sense from a search, balance of testosterone perspective.If you want 2discuss my door is open.”assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/615c5cc7…

4/8 In 2020 the Insp.was made Scottish Police Federation Rep-it’s head Calum Steele said: “Mr Warhurst’s candidature & election was a matter for his colleagues & peers.The outstanding tribunal claims of a retired police officer has no bearing on this” 🙈 google.co.uk/amp/s/www.dail…

5/8- The retired officer Rhona Malone was not supported by the Federation “the impact of the ordeal forced her to seek early retirement on ill-health grounds. Her lawyer said she had endured behaviour “designed to get her to take flight from the firearms unit”

6/8- The hearing was also told one cop in the unit had referred to a colleague's pregnant partner as "a f****** fat bitch". Another was said to have stated "you are going to end up f****** that" when referring to a female officer.

7/8- Its ruling said: "The tribunal accepted in evidence the examples of the "absolute boys club" or "horrific" culture given by the claimant's witnesses." Rhona Malone was vindicated yesterday after fighting years to prove what happened to her- what next @PoliceScotland ?

8/8- A former Dep. Chief constable ‘backed’ the Inspector who prompted an employment tribunal. Tom Wood said Inspector Keith Warhurst had “had a good point” when he said that women should not be deployed together when enough men were on duty”🙈 thetimes.co.uk/article/ex-dep…

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