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Oct 6, 2021, 9 tweets

🔴A former Chinese policeman has said Uyghur Muslims were hanged from cell ceilings, tortured with electric batons and ordered to be raped.

The interview appears to be the first with an official whistleblower.


The former detective described the extreme abuse Uyghurs were subjected to in order to elicit confessions as China rounded up about two million people in a social cleansing programme

The officer, identified only by the surname Jiang, said he worked in one of the hundred internment camps dotted around far-western China

He said that initially he felt the patriotic pull to join 150,000 police recruits to staff detention centres in Xinjiang.

🔴He was quickly disillusioned by abuse carried out against detainees as young as 14

Jiang said every new detainee was beaten during their initial interrogation to extract a "confession"

"If you want people to confess, you use the electric baton with two sharp tips on top," he also said in the interview

Other common tactics, he said, included forcing prisoners to gang rape male detainees

Jiang told CNN some of his colleagues saw their work as another job in police work or public security but others were "just psychopaths"

An estimated two million Muslim Uyghurs have been sent to internment camps in Xinjiang since 2017 as part of China's "Strike Hard Campaign".

Read more on China's brutal crackdown on Uyghur Muslims here ⬇️…

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