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Oct 6, 2021, 7 tweets

Players from Afghanistan’s girls’ football team have reportedly been granted visas to come to the UK.

Some 111 players, coaches and family members of the squad are set to be given the green light for a safe and permanent home away from the Taliban.…

The group had been living in Pakistan on temporary visas since fleeing their homeland after the takeover – and faced being sent back once their asylum period ran out.

They have also been offered asylum in Portugal, and it is unclear which country they will end up in.

Campaigners have been calling for the girls to be given sanctuary in the UK, amid fears they would be persecuted by the new Afghan government and stopped from playing football.

Leeds United was among a number of organisations who urged the Government to grant the girls asylum.

Now a source close to Home Secretary Priti Patel had told The Sun: ‘At the heart of Priti’s new Afghan resettlement scheme is the protection of women and girls.’

They added that the team ‘will be able to make the UK their home, free from fear and persecution’.

Last month, Leeds chairman Andrea Radrizzani offered to place all the players in its youth development teams and said his club stood ready to ‘give the girls a prosperous and peaceful future’.

Kashif Siddiqi of @FfP_Global praised the government for ‘giving these players a future’.

‘We’re still waiting to hear through official channels but if confirmed it means that 111 Afghan girls, family and coaches have just had their lives changed forever by Britain.'

‘Every single visa approved is a life enhanced, the right to education protected and the freedom to play football preserved.

Without Britain they faced a return to the nightmare that is Afghanistan; this decision gives them futures playing for Leeds United and other clubs.'

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