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Oct 6, 2021, 13 tweets

Tell me this house is haunted without telling me this house is haunted... 👻…

A rather pleasant house from the outside.

2 bathrooms, laundry room, an unsettling doll couple standing by some cracked walls.

This house for sale in Metairie, Louisiana, really does have it all.

If by ‘all’, you mean a setup that seems fated for nightmare-filled nights.

The property, on the market for $149,500, is listed on Zillow as ideal for ‘investors and flippers’.

Photos show bags of rubbish, stained walls, and grubby cupboards.

Just to liven things up a bit, there are two possibly-haunted dolls casually making their way around the home.

We can't help but wonder... who are they?

There’s the doll in a red dress, jauntily gesturing to a leftover pan in the kitchen.

The snazzily-dressed gentleman doll hangs out by the toilet, his hand pointed towards the seat.

In some photos the duo appear together, standing ominously in the kitchen with uncomfortably bent necks.

There’s no obvious explanation for the dolls’ presence, or a guarantee that they’ll come with the house, but anyone who does end up buying the property will know the figures have been there, watching, waiting... anticipating.

Here are some of the many questions we have:
- Were the dolls posed by a photographer or themselves?
- What spirits inhabit these macabre menaces?
- Do they come with the house, and if so, do they have their own rooms?
- If we bought this house, does it come with an exorcist?

And finally (most importantly) what is with the occasional reindeer toy?

If you do fancy a renovation project and can get past the fact that buying a house that has two animated and horrifying dolls is the opening premise of every horror movie to haunt our nightmares ever then this place isn’t a bad shout.

The home sits on a nice 67ft wide lot.

Inside is 2,100ft of space, with three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a downstairs laundry room, a spacious living area, and a kitchen complete with a dishwasher.

There are also ‘multiple’ attics… if you’re brave enough to go up there.

The garden is a decent size too.

If you're willing to risk upsetting the possibly demonic dolls' final resting place...

If you do ending up buying this house, please DM us.

We need to know how this one turns out.

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