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Oct 6, 2021, 10 tweets

In 2017, Urban Meyer invited Larry Elder to speak to the Ohio State football team. Elder spoke on “life, choices, and racism.”

Larry Elder said he was invited by Urban Meyer because the coach invited speakers for weekly “lifestyle Wednesday” sessions with Ohio State football players to teach them about finances, “appropriate sexual behavior,” and societal issues.

Larry Elder said he was invited because Urban Meyer wanted someone who “does NOT believe racism is a major problem in America” in order to counter a recent pro-Black Lives Matter speaker that was brought in.

A number of players felt Elder was “minimizing” racism in the country.

Urban Meyer was on the Larry Elder radio show in 2020. Meyer said Elder spoke to Ohio State players for “Patriot Week” in 2016, a week where Meyer had guests come in to teach players what it means to be liberal and conservative.

Larry Elder said he enjoyed speaking to the Ohio State football players and told Urban Meyer he stays in touch with a few players including 49ers defensive end Nick Bosa who follows him on Twitter.

Nick Bosa retweeted Larry Elder a few times including retweeting a post calling Obama a “bitch.” Nick Bosa has since deleted those retweets.

Urban Meyer’s invite of Larry Elder has made a fan out of Nick Bosa. Bosa liked Elder’s tweet saying he “doesn’t like liberals.”

Urban Meyer listed Presidents he met after championship wins. Urban Meyer also says he met Donald Trump even though his players haven’t.

Urban Meyer watched Trump’s 2020 State of the Union speech in DC as a guest of Republican Senator John Thune.

Pics of Urban Meyer’s guest, Larry Elder, inside the Ohio State locker room and team facilities.

Larry Elder is the California Republican recall candidate that went on the Candace Owens show and said it can be argued that slave owners were owed reparations at the end of the Civil War.

This is who Urban Meyer invited into the locker room.

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