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Oct 6, 2021, 5 tweets

Boji the street dog has become a regular sight on ferries, buses and metro trains in Istanbul, Europe’s largest city.

A devoted commuter, the dog enjoys long journeys on public transport, up to 30 kilometers on a regular week day 1/5

Istanbul municipality officials who recorded the dog's trips with a microchip say he drops by at least 29 metro stations a day and was even tracked at sea, taking a weekend break to the Princes' Islands off the city's coast 2/5

'It's like he has a purpose.': With golden-brown fur, dark eyes and floppy ears, Boji started to draw attention two months ago.

He enjoys traveling on the middle part of a subway carriage, or boji in Turkish - hence the name which officials gave him 3/5

Data collected from his tracking device shows historic tram lines are Boji's favorite, but he is also a frequent subway commuter.

Aylin Erol from Metro Istanbul says the dog respects public transport rules and waits for disembarking passengers before hopping on the train 4/5

Erol says he brought color into the lives of 1.3 million commuters of the metropolis.

Istanbulites post pictures of him on social media, and his own accounts have more than 50,000 followers 5/5

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