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Oct 6, 2021, 9 tweets

Apple CEO Tim Cook said health was the area where Apple will make its greatest contribution to mankind.

But, Insider reporting shows that the company is struggling to to mesh Apple's hardware-oriented culture with the practices of the medical business.…

Apple isn't the only tech company to have struggled in its attempts to crack healthcare — Google and Amazon each have the scars to show it.…

Dr. Will Poe resigned from Apple in December 2019. He said there was a lack of strategy and that Health leadership blocked efforts to provide direction. People with concerns were fired, or dismissed, he said.…

Poe also said staffers in charge of the health centers told Apple management that the patient care they provided was "high quality."

At that time, Apple wasn't measuring quality in the clinics with standardized metrics.…

Apple dreamed of making healthcare as breezy as the Apple store. But insiders said no one knew what the goal of Apple Health was meant to be outside of sensors.…

A failure to rally around a clear strategy has hampered progress and caused turmoil in the division.…

Susan Weems, a senior engineering program manager, was fired in November 2019.

Weems said in a meeting that some people in the organization preferred telling good stories over accurately representing the data, according to two former employees.…

Questions about data continue prevent Apple from building a profitable business out of health.

At an all-hands meeting, Williams cited data that surprised employees. It wasn’t clear if he was being fed overly rosy information or misconstrued some data.…

We’re reporting on Apple's culture and health businesses. If you have a tip, contact reporter @dodgeblake via Signal at 1-252-241-3117 or email her at

Subscribe to read the full story.…

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