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Oct 7, 2021, 8 tweets

Look at all that future mountain real estate and try to tell me global warming is all bad.

Also likely plenty of oil to be discovered under those ice sheets, so the defrosting of Antarctica will be a virtuous cycle.

Big Climatology doesn't want you to remember that global warming will not only unlock an entire new continent, but solve a whole host of currently intractable social problems. Want a more equitable Senate and an expanded Bay Area with lots of room for new homes? Burn that coal!

You want Brexit? Global warming will give you Brexit on steroids. No more worries about a land border with Northern Ireland, and London becomes a fun scuba destination instead of dominating British politics.

Big schadenfreude opportunities for Taiwan if all the ice caps melt.

Australians are constantly whining about climate change but a huge barren chunk of their interior would become livable if Antarctica melted.

Cool maps taken from here:…

(The real lesson of this 70 meter sea level rise map is that China is the one great power for whom climate change *is* an existential threat, and they will try some bonkers geoengineering shit long before they allow Sichuan Bay to happen)

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