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here for user BTS_twt ! no solo 🚫 she/her★ bu/archive acc : @jinberrychiibu (slow at dms)

Oct 7, 2021, 27 tweets

jungkook and his dainty mannerisms — an endearing thread

1. starting off the thread with compilation of him sitting prettily

2. his habit of tucking his hair behind his ear

3. habit of making a lil cushion with his feet to sit on

4. blinking his eyes prettily

5. tilting his head

6. habit of raising his hand while drinking water

7. wiping off his sweat with the back of his hand

8. holding his own hand while sitting

9. his anime girl legs

10. covering his ears when he gets shy

11. doing his own makeup

12. wiggling in tiny

13. his pretty hand gestures

14. those beautiful doe eyes

15. getting dolled up

16. when he does this particular thing with his hand

ending the thread with my fav dainty jungkook edit

follow me if you want, i make threads <3…


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