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Oct 7, 2021, 11 tweets

In an interview with the FT, Scotland’s first minister Nicola Sturgeon warned that the longer Boris Johnson’s government seeks to delay a second referendum on Scottish independence, the more likely independence will become…

Foreshadowing her likely campaign strategy, Nicola Sturgeon sought to portray staying in a post-Brexit UK as riskier than independence, despite Scotland’s much worse fiscal position compared with when a referendum was held in 2014 ​​…

The biggest threat to Scotland’s economy? According to Nicola Sturgeon, it’s a shortage of people, exacerbated by the scrapping of freedom of movement for EU citizens…

But Boris Johnson has said he will refuse to approve another independence referendum for Scotland, setting the stage for a potential court battle over whether Edinburgh can legally hold one on its own…

Nicola Sturgeon has warned the UK government it would be ‘unthinkable’ to indefinitely deny Scots another say on their constitutional future…

Do the Scottish people agree with Nicola Sturgeon? Opinion polls this year suggest support in Scotland for independence has fallen back from the sustained lead recorded in 2020…

However, time could be on Nicola Sturgeon’s side. A majority of young Scots back independence…

Nicola Sturgeon accepts Scotland going independent wouldn’t be an easy transition, and her suggestion that trade friction created by a hard border with England could be eased by digital arrangements echoes the past claims of Brexit campaigners…

How the constitutional debate develops around Scottish independence may depend in large part on whether Nicola Sturgeon is able to retain her high poll ratings…

Her leadership during the pandemic has been compared favourably to that of Boris Johnson.

However, the bitter rift between Nicola Sturgeon and her predecessor Alex Salmond meant her political survival appeared in doubt earlier this year…

Some more impatient members of the Scottish National party complain that their leader has not been pushing urgently or strongly enough for a second independence vote.…

When is the right time for a second referendum on Scottish independence?

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