Justin Hendrix Profile picture
Concerned with technology, media & democracy. Editor at @techpolicypress. Research & Adjunct Professor at NYU Tandon School of Engineering. Opinions mine.

Oct 7, 2021, 10 tweets

NEW Senate Judiciary majority staff report on efforts by Trump and his allies finds former President arguably committed criminal violations of the Hatch Act in scheme to subvert the election: judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/…

The first interim finding concerns at least 9 calls with DOJ leaders in which the former President raised false claims or pressured DOJ officials:

White House COS Mark Meadows violated restrictions meant to ensure an independent Department if Justice on multiple occasions:

Details of the "Georgia Proof of Concept" effort by Jeffrey Bossert Clark to use DOJ to call into question election results in that state and potentially others:

Finding 4 ties efforts to influence DOJ to individuals with involvement in the the Stop the Steal movement and the January 6 insurrection:

Findings 5 and 6 find the President directly interfering in the DOJ and the DOJ itself deviating from longstanding practices to investigate false claims of voter fraud. This certainly punctures the narrative of Bill Barr as some kind of hero who stood up to the President.

"All of these efforts, in turn, created the disinformation ecosystem necessary for Trump to incite almost 1,000 Americans to breach the Capitol in a violent attempt to subvert democracy by stopping the certification of a free and fair election."

Crime scene photo, courtesy of the White House:

The minority, led by @ChuckGrassley, issues its competing report, which adopts and advances the logic of the insurrectionists:

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