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Oct 7, 2021, 6 tweets

Larry Fink built BlackRock into the biggest money manager the planet has ever seen. But should one company wield so much power?…

Here’s some things you need to know about BlackRock:…

By the end of the year, it’s likely BlackRock will be managing more than $10tn in assets.

To put this in context, it is roughly equivalent to the entire global hedge fund, private equity and venture capital industries combined…

Today Larry Fink is the undisputed king of Wall Street. Having founded a small bond investment house just three decades ago, he has managed to build it into a vast financial empire, the likes of which have never been seen before…

With power comes mounting scrutiny. BlackRock has become a lightning rod for criticism for both the political left and right…

This is the fascinating story of how Larry Fink became the most powerful person in global finance 👇…

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