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Oct 7, 2021, 14 tweets

Oh great, Biggs. 🙄

Watch here - Reps. Andy Biggs and Paul Gosar are on the Oversight Committee so this should go well.

Throwback to when Biggs was hanging out at the audit site with Ken Bennett, who is a witness today.

Oh that's nice, Biggs is still claiming that "we don't know" who won the 2020 election is Arizona. This is going great.

Clip of that, btw:

Rep. Raskin: "Who won the election in Arizona?"
Rep Biggs: "We don’t know!" (we do, fyi 🙄)

Yep, that sounds about right.

up next: this asshole

Sorry, moved over to the interview Doug Logan skipped this hearing for. Here he is talking about how early he got involved with these audit scams, including his work with Matt Deperno in Antrim.

Y'all are missing literally nothing over on the Doug / Oltmann stream. Doug keeps raising doubt in the Maricopa elections, he wishes the Liz Harris canvas could have been part of the audit and repeats her fake data as if it's legit, and quotes a lot of Bible verses.

I'm on the hearing's VOD now - but here's Maricopa Supervisor Bill Gates talking about the threats they received during the "audit," including one in a fundraising email by an unnamed senator (hint: it was @WendyRogersAZ).

Couple of interesting things from the Doug Logan / Joe Oltman interview:
1. Logan and Oltman were in communication with one another and regularly texting months before the audit.
2. Doug Logan is a member of C12 - an organization for rich Christian CEOs and executives.

Doug Logan addresses the controversy around the draft report vs. final report. Logan again says he did not write the draft line calling for “decertification” & doesn’t agree with it being included. They DO know who wrote it, though. 👀👇🏽 (1/2)…

(2/2) Joe Oltmann admits to being the person who leaked the draft report that said “the election should not be certified.”

The Joe Oltmann / Doug Logan interview clearly did not deliver what Oltmann was expecting. He looked disappointed and many comments under his video are upset with Logan's careful responses.

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