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Goodbye EventSourcing Live, hello EventCentric! The conference on Event-Driven Architecture, Messaging, EventSourcing, Distsys... Antwerp, June 2-5 2025.

Oct 7, 2021, 9 tweets

"Let's build the worst Event Sourcing system!" with @oskar_at_net
I challenge everyone to submit worse examples than Oskar :-)

@oskar_at_net Ooh handling money with eventual consistency, that's going to make things worse for sure...

"Too late, we already stole the money" @oskar_at_net #ESRC21

"Let's just put the whole Big Picture EventStorming result into a single process manager!" @oskar_at_net keeps finding ways to make it worse.

The CRAP theorem: assume everything is 100% consistent, tolerant, and available. @oskar_at_net #ESRC21

Uh oh.

The streaming team

In the worst possible ES system, everything listens to everything. @oskar_at_net at #ESRC21

@oskar_at_net "There will be a lot of damage if this talk is taken out of context." @michelgrootjans. Retweeting these tweets out of context won't help either 😱

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