Jerry Dunleavy IV 🇺🇸 Profile picture
Author of “KABUL: The Untold Story of Biden’s Fiasco” — Senior Investigator for @HouseForeignGOP — Ex-DOJ Reporter @DCExaminer — AMDG —

Oct 7, 2021, 7 tweets

NEW: Garland's son-in-law is co-founder of Panorama, which supports 13 million students in 21,000 schools. The company promotes "social-emotional learning" but admits that's just a "vehicle" to promote "equity" & "dismantle" things like "systemic racism."…

Becky Barstein, who gave the Panorama presentation (titled "SEL as Social Justice: Dismantling White Supremacy Within Systems & Self"), claimed that “the grooves of racism in my [her] brain sometimes are so deep” due to unconscious bias & systemic racism.…

Panorama CEO Aaron Feuer said George Floyd death was "another consequence of this long history of systemic racism" & "education represents one of the most important levers for change" & his org is “in a unique position to make change to our institutions.”…

The Panorama "Social-Emotional Learning Survey" focuses a lot on the topic of race inside of schools, and argues that "it is essential for educators to consider how situational or systemic forces, such as racism and racial bias, shape students’ lives."…

Panorama said its “Equity and Inclusion Survey” student topics were generated in collaboration with Harvard's Reimagining Integration: Diverse & Equitable Schools (RIDES) whose 2021 booklist includes White Fragility, White Rage, & How to be an Antiracist.…

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