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Oct 7, 2021, 8 tweets

¡Hola a todxs, I’m @davillasana! As a Hispanic woman, most of my photography focuses on resilience against injustice as well as culture and diversity in Latin America. My identity also shapes my passion for increasing inclusivity in the media industry. #HispanicHeritageMonth

Some of these stories include documenting the threats facing transgender women in Latin America and their resilience despite them. For nearly a decade, I’ve strived to paint a more humanistic portrait of this community to educate others about transphobia’s dire consequences.

Another story I loved photographing was that of a young girl’s quinceañera, or “coming-of-age” celebration, in Mexico where it’s widely practiced. When I asked Lorena her favorite part, she responded “the dress!” She quickly backtracked, saying family first and the dress second.

Living in Peru, I followed the life of Yoselin Chavez who fought tuberculosis during an unexpected pregnancy. Though only a teen, she was determined to be strong. “I’m doing it for my baby because I want to be by his side.” Her story reminds me of young women’s amazing courage.

Also in Peru, I photographed Día de los Muertos at the world’s second largest cemetery in Lima. Being there reminded me of making clay skeletal figurines in my childhood with my dad, who taught me about this important Latinx tradition of honoring loved ones who’ve passed on.

Striving for balanced narratives in my work, when photographing a story about an infamously dangerous neighborhood in Honduras, I also focused on initiatives by community members—many in their youth—working to increase safety and stability despite gang violence.

In addition to photography, I’m dedicated to increasing inclusivity and equity in visual media by being part of organizations and initiatives such as @evdayprojects @wewomenphoto @theauthorityc and @photo_rights. Truthful media depends on diverse storytellers.

Because my dad’s generation faced assimilation, I strive to retain my roots. From our family opening up one of Texas’ 1st tortilla factories to historical markers, I celebrate Hispanic Latinx Heritage month by learning more about my own family stories. How do you honor heritage?

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