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Oct 7, 2021, 9 tweets

Eat Your Greens:

The Only Bok-Choy šŸ„¬ Prep You need to know


Bok Choy (aka Chinese Cabbage) is a brassica vegetable that is "delicious & nutritious"

High in:
Vitamin K

... and quercetin

Using just Steam, Aromatics & šŸ”„ Fat, we are gonna make something delicious in 10 mins flat

1lb Bok Choy (or baby bok choy)
1 inch fresh ginger, thinly sliced
3 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
1/2 c peanut oil, avocado oil, palm oil or chicken fat
Green onion (or garlic scapes), for garnish

1) Setup a steamer with apprpx 2inches of water, over high heat; covered

2) While the steamer heats, cut each bok choy in half and remove some of the core, at the base, with tip of a knife, using a V wedge pattern (see pic)

*note, any dirt present between leaves, quik rinse

3) Place the bok choy in the steamer, cover and cook for 5-10 mins until barely tender (depends on thickness of stem and baby vs reg).

4) While bok choy cooks, heat oil to smoking over high heat and get your ginger and garlic all sliced.

5) Remove bok choy to sheet pan, cut side up, and arrange the garlic and ginger all over

6) season liberally with salt

7) with the hot fat smoking (chicken is my fav, but approved oils work too), carefully pour (or use a spoon) the fat over the bok choy

The hot fat will cause the aromatics to bloom and sizzle

8) Place bok choy on serving tray, leaving most of the fat behind on the sheet pan. (You can measure the leftovers, if you're Turbo)

Garnish with scallions, garlic scapes, cilantro, chili... whatever you like.

You can also hit with a dash of soy sauce or dash of black vinegar

This easy, quick prep is delcious. The steaming brings out the bok choys earthy-sweetness, and aromatizing the ginger and garlic in the hot fat takes it next level.

Enjoy Frens! šŸ„‚

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