molson 🧠⚙️ Profile picture
guy who is trying to go super saiyan

Oct 8, 2021, 20 tweets

The worst experience I've ever had on Twitter!

A lot of people have been asking me what happened, so here's a 🧵of how fucked up Twitter can get, not only for you, but for your family.

It all started at dinner when I decided to calculate the living expenses of someone I know.

I was amazed at how high they were considering how poorly he lived for what he was spending.

I thought to myself, "hmm this is interesting, I'll tweet it."

It went viral.

Most people didn't understand my point (which was not well articulated) and thought that I was suggesting that spending over $1mm/year was not extravagant.

And the guillotines came out.

At first I interacted with some of the replies, but with 1000s of them I decided to mute the thread...

But, that didn't really work because the "eat the rich" people started clicking my profile to reply to my other tweets.

I got pissed off with this guy because I didn't like how he brought my company into it.

So I tweeted the below, calling some of the people attacking my timeline tweets butthurt losers.

At first, I thought this tweet really exacerbated the situation, but on second look, I was getting death threats before and after I posted this.

Calling them butthurt losers, wasn't an issue.

But...talking about climate change WAS...

Up until this point I wasn't too bothered by the situation.

I can deal with people saying I'm a piece of shit or saying "I huff Jeff Bezos' farts" (because I must love Amazon because we sell on Amazon haha).

Guillotining me was cute, and shout out to the guy who said he'd put me in a wood chipper, but from there the threats started to get a little bit more specific like "When I see you I'm going to stab you" and "I'm going to kill you."

But I'm still not freaking out at this point.

All that changed when a new account that had never tweeted before replied to my climate change tweet with my personal address.

After I blocked and reported the account, he made another called @molsonhartt

I responded by saying that I would get a restraining order.

Those who know me, know I follow through.

Around this time, I got a facetime call from my wife.

I turn it on and she's hold my pistol with the magazine separated.

"How do you use this?"

This whole time I was on a business trip, so while multiple accounts were threatening to kill me and one published our address, my wife and newborn son were at that address alone.

Fuck that.

This is what made this absolutely terrible.

I felt powerless to protect my family because I was 3 hours away.

And I felt like a fucking cunt for putting them at risk by...tweeting.

"This isn't worth this." I thought.

Wife: "Delete the tweets."

Me: "If we do that, they're just going to come harder. They'll celebrate how I deleted the tweets."

Wife: "Just do it."

Me: "If we do that, they win."

I didn't delete.

No one slept that night.

My wife was scared with my pistol by her side and I paced around my hotel room trying to figure out what I was going to prevent this from EVER happening again.

Happily, the next morning Twitter e-mailed me to say that had suspended multiple accounts that had threatened to kill me and the one that published my address

And even better I got this unsolicited e-mail from the person who said they were going to stab me

We had a back and forth...

Turns out the guy who threatened to stab me when he saw me also was the guy who published my address with a different account.

And I agreed not to go after him because he apologized.

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