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Oct 8, 2021, 5 tweets

🕉 #Navratri
Day 2:
NAVADURGA - 2/9 - Maa Brahmacharini
'Brahma'-penance, 'Charini' -female follower. Brahmacharini - one who performed ‘Tapasya’.
Goddess Parvati,being born to Himavan, King of Himalayas, did severe Tapasya for 1000’s of years to attain Bhagwan Mahadev 🚩1/5

🕉 Rishi Narada who advised Ma Parvati to perform penance.She gave up water, food & survived consuming leaves, towards the end she had nothing. For this reason, she is also known as Aparna. Bhagwan Shiva pleased by her devotion accepted Ma Parvati as his wife🚩2/5

🕉 Maa Brahmacharini is governs Planet of Lord Mangal which brings good fortune. By worshipping the goddess, devotees are blessed with peace, virtue, prosperity, happiness & emancipation, . She is also known as Ma Tapascharini & Uma🚩3/5

🕉 Day of worship: 2nd day of #Navratri
Governing planet: Mangal (Mars)
Flower:Sevvarali/ Oleander
Neivedhyam: Puliyodharai ( Tamarind Rice)
Thithi: Dwitiya ( 2nd day on the lunar fortnight (Paksha)of Hindu calendar )
Kolam: Rangoli by using wet flour
Raagam: Kalyani 🚩4/5

🕉 Mantra : Om Devi Brahmcharinyai Namah (108 times recitation )
Dadhaanaa Kar Padaabhyaamakshmala Kamandalu |
Devi Prasidati Mayi Brahmcharinyanuttamaa.
Meaning: O Goddess Brahmcharini, who holds Rudraksha Mala & Kamandalu in her hands,shower your grace on me 🚩5/5

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