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Oct 8, 2021, 8 tweets

Reuters has been a reliable regime-change enthusiast, but it used to have a more "sophisticated" bias than other corporate outlets. Not anymore. The level of dishonesty is just staggering, even in a piece with just a handful of paragraphs (thread)…

This is one of the recurring lies. The heroic Vzlan opposition, backed by the generosity of Washington and Bogotá, wanted to bring "humanitarian aid" into Venezuela, and Maduro the monster blocked it. Surely the world's benevolent empire is justified in trying to oust him

Sadly for corporate journos, the truth is different. The Red Cross refused to take part b/c the operation was "not humanitarian aid." USAID itself said the aid would only feed 5,000 Vzlans for a few days. It was a circus meant to trigger a break in the armed forces, and it failed

A USAID report more than a year later revealed its operations in Venezuela had very little transparency and accountability (i.e. opposition lowlifes getting rich) and "aid" was just another arrow in the regime-change quiver. More in this thread

But back to Reuters dishonesty. "[Vzlan authorities] said the attempted aid shipment was part of a Washington-backed plot to overthrow Maduro." Well, US leaders openly called for a coup, there was very little "aid" in the shipment, and even USAID admits regime change was the goal

This takes the b.s. trophy "The opposition and its allies accuse Maduro of rigging his 2018 re-election. Maduro, a socialist, says the election was clean." Was there any evidence? Of course not, because if the US says fraud, the corporate media will just accept it (cont)

(cont) And instead of saying there's no evidence and intl observers endorsed the process,just use the "Maduro says" trick. Boiling down a process with more than a dozen audits to the opinion of someone that has been carefully demonized. As a bonus throw in that he's "a socialist"

Finally, the chicanery cherry on the dishonesty cake: "Maduro blames U.S. sanctions for Venezuela's economic crisis." A US govt agency, UN human rights experts, Democrat representatives, even the freaking US Chamber of Commerce has recognized the deadly consequences of sanctions

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